The last time, it was a fruitless, condescending conversation on his part, disrespectful and sarcastic. Knowledge is free; where the money goes so goes the heart ; it is an enterprize. Linda call head office and specifically say that you were very unsatisfied with the forum and want a complete refund to disappear this situation! Truth exists in multiple dimensions, scales, and scopes, as a process and an artifact of creation. For Graduates of the Landmark Forum Advanced Programmes. Lastly, I have felt that the forum and the seminar series following it, has renewed my sense of faith and spirituality. Landmark Worldwide (known as Landmark Education before 2013), or simply Landmark, is a company, headquartered in San Francisco, which offers personal-development programs. Many of them expressed the same concerns of doubt and BS detection during the breaks but would nod their heads and applaud like sheep when the “sessions” started. He aged himself more than five years younger than his true age and claimed he was looking for his future wife. All those people sitting waiting to be fed by their “wise words”. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The room was too warm, someone kept farting, and several people were wearing nasty perfume. She had the courage to stand up to it. They are not providing you with a new ideology or a new lense to view your life through, but simply breaking down the mechanisms of how you think, allowing you to suddenly view your life and the world free of the constrains that your past has held you in. As far as making amends with others, I used to be better about releasing grudges and forgiving but after discovering that forgiveness and unconditional acceptance seems to make toxic and abusive people worse, Ive reconsidered that position. my mum has been fully into landmark since before i was born and so i was raised using a fucking weird jargony vocab that i still dont understand. Have I had to myself learn to not get caught up in being a ‘good girl’ and dutifully asking people to attend introduction sessions, simply because I wanted to be a ‘good girl’ – yes (which has been an empowering recognition I’ve been able to put into practice! You can find out more about the The Landmark Forum for Teens and The Landmark Forum for Young People online. I finally got over myself this last year and returned not only for the Advanced program, but also SELP, The Communication Curriculum, which I am told was originally called the love course, and am now in their Team Management Leadership Program. Again I had to finally walk into their office and threaten a lawsuit if they didn’t stop hassling me. When the circular speech wasn’t working, he proceeded to tell me to “throw out” the issue I felt needed work and give him another problem to work with. If they would only take more time grooming and educating their ‘leaders’ they might be able translate Werner Erhard’s work with more success to their customers. However, it was far from the end of my creating a freer, more fulfilling life for myself. The female ones and their spandex pants are very unprofessional. Oneida Nation/COVID-19 Resource Page. Landmark you are a disgrace and I will NEVER forget the damage you could have done to me had I not been so resilient! I didn’t even sign up for Landmark Education or take the course. After that night they called me relentlessly asking for the money to attend. It seems the more people get involved and the more the movement spreads, the more potential for skewed interpretation and consequent abuse, And it seems that the more it happens to warp someones logic, the bigger a proponent that person becomes. Unfortunately, after reading all these comments, it seems right down the middle and I am left with no idea what to do or who to believe. Thus far, I felt like I had already seen and “disappeared” a lot of the things on my list I felt had to go; but, I went into the forum with the hopes of resolving one particular issue I have still been struggling with. I think your best bet is to contact the head office and specifically ask for a refund, telling them you are very unsatisfied with the forum. My experience however was different from yours. I mean call me disgusting all you want, my ego is disgusting but to act like the only way to enroll people in the world for the possibility of change is by getting others to take Landmark and if we don’t do that then we are failures who are small minded and going to continue living our “disgusting” lives and not lead our seminar for HOURS because we are all “inauthentic” and “dead” is ridiculous. A discounted “sibling tuition” is available when two or more siblings take the course together. I was not sure what he wants to teach me and I asked “can you teach me how to become millionaire?” more like a joke and to keep up with the conversation. He met his new girlfriend and I thought she was an extremely kind woman and liked her very much, however just a few short weeks after meeting her my ex became even more cruel and heartless than any time prior in our relationship. That was a very kind and insightful response Highcar. He had supposedly been a senior trainer for a couple decades and was self-proclaimed as “excellent” and “one of the best” in his field. Sometimes separation from an alcoholic might be a best choice for women to have a better life. A couple of days back received a call from landmark inquiring as to how did the introduction meeting go and what I see for myself in it. [ April 2, 2021 ] A South Korea-based International NGO Advocates a Forum for Peace Dialogue by ... 2021 broke ground for the construction of two landmark projects in Garmaymu and Dorma towns along the RIA highway, District one, Margibi county. He says can she just attend the graduation then. This program operates for people belonging to the age group eight to seventeen. Their work is hardly original, but if you made a claim otherwise, you would be participating of a racket of your own. Instead of feeling the freedom everyone was talking about, I felt constrained and restricted by this rigid path they were laying out before us. I looked up Landmark, and it was pretty easy to tell from his demeanor what this was. Reading books like “The Power of Now”, “The Four Agreements”, “Conversations With God”, etc… will give you much of the same Know-ledge that you can get in the courses. However I do believe it exhibits some cult like traits. I know several people who seemed cool at first but who became insufferable jerks. I agree The Forum is very worthwhile on its own as is indeed the Advanced Course and SELP However, the constant effort put in to selling the programme to others and public beratement for not doing so is where Landmark moves in to cult like status Especially in relation to both ILP (introduction to leadership programme) and TEAM – both effectively provide free sales and services to the Cult side of landmark Several enlightened countries have now outlawed this practice WISDOM is Ok and recommended but did feel some guilt that it was riding on the back of effectively slave support at back (as indeed The Forum/Advanced and SELP but unaware at the time that support workers were unpaid and largely berated and humiliated). People may have false narratives they tell themselves, but they have them for very real reasons and even if they didn’t simply saying it never happened IS NOT how you help someone deal with false narratives. Didn’t transform? Please respond to them as you have replied to more recent posts already. It’s very intriguing that you were so off-put by this experience, as a core belief of the forum, is to be “authentic” it appears that these 2 of ladies were the furthest thing from that.., and in doing so, only pushed you away from the forum. If I have an appointment I strive to be on time and not just a few harmless minutes late like in the past. In that instance, I became suspicious. Sadly, we humans tend to remember traumatic or unpleasant experiences stuff way more vividly than other things. This information they give is not a new concept, and the way it is presented seems fairly unhealthy yet great for getting people worn down so they’re like puppets to all the ideas and sales pitches and blah blah blah. Mount Rainier National Park Poster. So is everyone else, so your access to power in creating big, is being connected to everyone else in your life and having them operating from the realm of nothing so that anything is possible. amzn_assoc_title = "Timeless Classics"; © 2012-2021 Growth Guided, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thought most it was total crap throughout, and was quite verbal about my feelings to those around me. And boy, were we left disappointed! When I remained in my place for a few seconds, the Forum Leader then ORDERED, “Leave IMMEDIATELY or I will call the police and have you removed”. KO, I’ve done the Forum but I am not a “joiner” by nature, as there is no end to the amount of cool stuff out there to learn about, and so I took a 7 year gap before returning to do a couple other courses through Landmark. I’ve never been happier, my life is forever changed. As a teacher and more importantly a mother, I know that there is everything wrong with this scenario and nothing right about it! They are always encouraging me to come back and take more courses. Where’s the integrity in changing the deal the way the Forum Leader did? People pretty much moved freely and had snacks. I felt like they had drank the kool-aid and didn’t even know it. I then broke up with my girlfriend who insisted on my attendance. Still trying to figure out what the hell just happened. I think you bring up a valid point that should be up for some discussion Eric. When it came time for the “recommendations”, however, I remained seated, which was and should have been my FREE CHOICE. $675. No one needs or should take the forum. For my CRIME of exercising my free choice to sit (without permission from Landmark or the Forum Leader), the Forum Leader actually accused me of CONSPIRACY (in addition to other things). Absolutely nothing groundbreaking . But despite all that, for some reason on this last day, I felt myself become so heavy with sadness and despair. I have a friend who has taken probably all of the classes LandMark offers over many years (flying all over the US to do so), pitches it constantly to everyone she meets, talks about it incessantly at work, and still has a drinking problem, gambling problem, and is insanely jealous about her husband while saying she has no problems or flaws. hilarious.. InformativeLeadership April 10, 2014 growthguided 156. I had over $5000 spent on me in courses and the lessons helped in many ways but I advise against making a lifetime of this stuff. I don’t like to get in front of groups I’m now 63 years old I never went there to get throug that I don’t need to do that in my life. I total agree with you that no one (other than God) is the ultimate source of insight, understand, enlightenment and self awareness. The Landmark Forum is an opportunity to get beyond the current patterns and ways of thinking that limit us to bring about a fundamental shift in what is possible. Transform a Life Today. The Landmark Forum (the basic course of Landmark Worldwide), has always definitely been the successor of est, although Landmark Education, the predecessor of Landmark Worldwide, has denied it for quite some time. One day a woman called asking when I was going to have the money and I had to tell her what happened. And fuck them for wasting about 20 hours of my time on marketing…watching the same fucking videos again and again..and the constant push for us to invite our friends and loved ones or else we won’t be transformed…. Also my little girls said they missed me and glad that i am home (my 8 years old said she missed me so much that she used her magic powers to get me back home). In retrospect, the wisdom I gained from the course came over time. Unbelievably liberating and empowering though when we get there. Hi Thanks for your posts on the Landmark Forum. 0. My local bus driver tricked me into attending a Landmark Forum at his home. How have you adjusted your approach to spirituality since attending the forum? The Master Class Seminar: Integrity – The Bottom Line Led by Landmark Forum Leader Kathy Bosco and Senior Seminar Leader Laughlin Artz Life is such profound and interesting journey to be engaged with fully and completely. I did not expect that at all when I took the Forum. To be honest and I fair, I’d like today that the Forum DID have some value. This was from a lawsuit we filed in Warren County. Brain is fused. That is why they say it takes 100 “at-a-boys” to make up for 1 “uh-oh”. I learnt a lot from both of these courses about life etc. Perhaps transformation, permanent transformation is gentle and kind. The truth is You are GOD in the realm of creator and created are One. I attended the introduction recently and how big are their leader’s claims – The Tatkal Ticket Scheme in Indian railways was a landmark project. Any time I hear about people experiencing a deep personal growth, regardless of the tools used to activate it, I’m always get excited. Here’s my Landmark Forum review. I once told someone that I was sad and he said, “Is that your racket or your winning formula?” Landmark discourages self trust and encourages you to judge yourself if you are anything less that joyous and “at cause.” I did the hard sell on others for the last 4 years in the organization. But in the end I was so shocked at the amount of people who became so willing to sign up for the Advanced Course. then step right up and lose your cash the old fashioned way — you get fleeced. I had to practically drag out any personal information from this man about past relationships, goals in life or even what actually happened in his life on any given day. Have it be part of your life’s journey…. They tried to tell us that something is wrong with our current lives, and the only way to a better life is through Landmark- and that is not true! Your friends were somehow really convinced that the Forum would be of huge value for you. Sure that ‘will work’ artificially, do it too often and it stops working … Next time around it won’t help … Hence, I don’t take antibiotics, I drink carrot juice and guess what ? You were given two half hour breaks every 2.5 hours and then a 1.5 dinner break over the course of the 13 hour day. They had to eat after all. A tall, mop-haired fellow with rather manic eyes and an utterly fake laugh every time the speaker made a lame joke. No apologies for how I had been treated, just the generic closing of ranks and the ‘it’s not us it’s you’ syndrome. Am I tripping myself out? She recently went to the Landmark Forum for Young People and she wanted to share her experience with others. THE BOOK OF EST by Luke Rhinehart was endorsed as accurate by Werner Erhard. View Post → Walk With Sally’s White Night White Light Raises Approximately $200,000 July 25, 2011. You are most definitely not alone Flor (: Thank you for the kind words! There are books, college courses and an untold # of workshops and classes and other human activities. There is nothing this women did wrong. Thank you for stopping by Angelo! I am adding this because currently there are a number of evaluations of The Landmark Forum and other Landmark classes , and a long discussion on whether it has religious aspects, but no discussion whatsoever of what actually happens during The Landmark Forum or other programs. They went on as if I haven’t said a word. Whatever brings peace, fulfillment and happiness into your life weather it’s Landmark or any other pursuit go for it! I’m sorry to hear people’s bad experiences. They insisted on the refund and wished me well I respect that. I specifically mentioned to a seminar leader my concerns that it could help me and after a long talk he said he though it would and “I’d be fine”. So I fought back! What is so irresponsible of Landmark, is that people who are dealing with serious traumas (rape, incest, suicide, etc.) He was anywhere but with me during our conversation, which was ironic since they had just been talking about being present and that everything is right here, right now. Sounds like he is far gone, lost for good. Common sense that is dragged out for 13 hours . But it is a business, they seek to make money. How he can teach other people how to live their lives if he has personal issues he needs to overcome. Bad experience!!! I was an editor at that time and had great difficulty with their use of words–largely incomprehensible and imprecise. You are welcome. Youth Coach of the Year (Male): Abdulwahab Alharbi (KSA) Abdulwahab Alharbi has been the coach of Saudi Arabia’s youth national team since 2017. But I have been sufficiently moved enough by my experience to share for the 1st time. Someone in my group, which you are placed in to work through exercises with, shared my thoughts with the so called hierarchy & I was then shunned. 3# – Making people speak in front of a crowd they weren’t comfortable with, coercing them to disclose person information to get down to the hard truths of their presumed problematic lives, because it was told that it would solve their problems. I had signed up, received a scholarship, ($500 discount, paid for my landmark graduate); after reading some articles, viewing some youtube videos, & learning that Landmark, like Scientology, sues anyone who calls them a cult. He holds a master’s in athletic training and is an AFC ‘A’ License coach, whose first foray into coaching began with Saudi Arabian club, Ohod Club, shortly after his seven-year playing stint with the club. I will admit, it has been a few years since I have taken a psychology course at the University level, but I don’t ever recall reading about the use of public humiliation as a effective tool in behaviour change. You get compared to great leaders and they talk about your integrity, implying that if you don’t recommend Forum to everyone then you don’t have integrity. Landmark Forum and Advanced Course Leaders The men and women who lead Landmark programmes come from a great variety of backgrounds and are extensively trained. Like other great stuff, not all the experiences are for everybody. I repeated the fact that I wanted time to think about it and in the end she gave up and left. Unless you are a lonely person stuck living in the past and stuck up on what people think of you, you don’t need to be brainwashed by Landmark to ‘get it’. Oh and Sunday I have church – at least my priest doesn’t insult my intelligence.. I blame landmark for this. We know the goal for Landmark is Transformation, defined as the genius of a new realm of possibility. Why do I even care that I thought I was disappointing them? In all, I would not recommend going to the Landmark Forum. I just wanted to respect the time they gave me the past couple days and tell them I couldn’t continue. I had the same challenges with Landmark. I am thinking of taking the Landmark forum and my dad has already went through both the forum and the advanced course already, he is very big on self improvement. David Cunningham, a communications expert who leads the Landmark Forum for Landmark Education, is on television in Sacramento, California discussing how to deal powerfully with the recession, particularly in regards to when you're in a marriage/relationship. It was really sad. 1) the price of basic weekend course was over £300 2) the course was of american origin 3) the course was about nothing I do not want to offend any Americans,but as a European I thought “God bless America…”, I really wanted to leave straight away,but I decided to stay on. The chairs were in tight circles, which I felt were uncomfortable, so I moved the chairs out until I had enough room. Linkedin. I showed up to Landmark at the recommendation of a respected friend who found it very beneficial, I honestly didn’t know much about it before showing up, other than 30 minutes of an vague info session I attended and an pre-interview phone conversation about some areas in my life i want to improve. My ex boyfriend is a narcissist and so this forum is right up his alley. A girl named Sarah called me and wanted to know how I wanted to change my life. Just got home from this forum . In my opinion, landmark is like anything else…. I don’t regret attending, however, simply because I was able to (during the breaks) actually share with people actual healthy coping skills and info about what mindfulness is about. Be specific with your wording when asking for your refund. $20 - $36. I have accepted my own role in my failures as well as successes. The end of each day there were assignments. Another hypocrisy, telling me to passively wait for “it” to come to me when they had been saying there is only right now…. I get there and two hours later I find out it is a huge sales presentation as to what Landmark is and why you are a useless human if you don’t attend their forum. I was going to do it, because he wanted me to do it. Anyone who knows such people, knows how frequently they claim to have “changed” into a new person. Karen Pittman, Co-Founder, President & CEO, Forum for Youth Investment Read more Preparing Youth to Thrive is a landmark, creative and groundbreaking contribution that will improve quality social and emotional learning (SEL) programming in out-of-school time … Not possible leaves Young people with the Forum leaders who lead the forums are American gone by 2:00 on. My attention and why this check-box was now removed from the lead course supervisor some reason on this day! That something is their recommendation, but unfortunately not surprising have been sufficiently moved enough by my,... I finished months of chemo, and I immediately tuned them both that I don ’ t and! Cheers every one and I finally had a breakthrough, I honor it guy is such profound interesting! He slips into a land late at night, and not helpful listening are two different and... 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Far more PROactive in my country which destroys marriages and there is everything wrong this!