79. In this belief, it is important to realize that God is always viewed as one person representing three separate beings. Yes. The wise men may not have met Jesus as a newborn. Christ the King Statue situated in Świebodzin, western Poland, is the tallest statue of Jesus in the world: The Bible itself doesn’t mention her age when she conceived (F6, F7). – Many will come and claim to be me and fool many people; Awesome statistics about Christianity: – Was completed on 6 November 2010; So, it is possible that their DNA could be found in modern people today. Joseph and Mary were pledged to marry each other. 63. He healed the father of Publius, who was sick in bed, suffering from fever and severe diarrhea. He said nothing about them; In the Gospel According to John, the glorification described by the Ascension story seems to have taken place immediately after the Resurrection. 72. 103. 65. 82. 71. 26. 17. 37. ascension-press | Ascension-Press is about spreading Truth and Knowledge about our Life, Knowledge about Our Universe And the True History of the Human Kind and the Process of its Ascension. As of 2014, more than 5 billion Bibles have been sold. Jesus may have been born in spring or summer. 14. Repent and believe the good news!”. 15. 44. 54. They were actually half-brothers and half-sisters as Joseph is not the biological father of Jesus, according to Christian belief. Almost everything we know about Joseph comes directly from the Bible. 84. God the Father spoke to Jesus audibly 3 times while He was on Earth: At His baptism; At the Transfiguration; Before Jesus went to the cross. Ahimelech (Hebrew: אֲחִימֶ֫לֶך ‎ ’Ăḥîmeleḵ, "brother of a king"), the son of Ahitub and father of Abiathar (1 Samuel 22:20–23), but described as the son of Abiathar in 2 Samuel 8:17 and in four places in 1 Chronicles. does stand for “before Christ.” A.D. actually stands for the Latin phrase anno domini, which means “in the year of our Lord.” The B.C./A.D. He is usually in a mandorla but is not always supported or even surrounded by angels; thus, he is no longer carried to heaven but ascends by his own power. The New Testament tells of the life and ministry of Jesus. Did Jesus ever think about having a sexual relationship? Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were of old age, therefore John’s birth is considered a miracle from God (Luke 1). However, this assumption is not completely accurate. 28. 3. 61. and 4 B.C. But it contains metaphors about ordinary things, such as water, harvest, bread, light, a shepherd and a grain of wheat. Jesus’ disciples were teenagers, almost all under the age of 18 and some as young as 15. 74. – Most of the Bible’s authors were uneducated men, yet the Bible is considered a literary masterpiece; 25. The imagery of the account in the Gospel According to Luke is similar to that of Acts, but there is no mention of a period of 40 days. B.C. Prior to that time, the Ascension was commemorated as a part of the celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Judas Iscariot was one of the 7 people who committed suicide in the Bible. – The Catholic Church had an income of US$97 billion in 2010; 1. The first two he called were Simon Peter and his brother Andrew. Many weird things happened when filming the scenes involving Jesus: So he came and took away His body and bury him with the help of Nicodemus. Jesus used “fish” to perform a miracle 4 times in His earthly ministry: 1. Jesus got his name from an angel of God. 96. Certainly! There is no evidence that they came to visit as soon as He was born. Christ is not his last name, but a title that means “the anointed one”. It is supposed from Mark 6:2-3 that Jesus was, like his stepfather, a carpenter. Bartholomew, one of Jesus’ disciples was beaten, skinned alive and crucified head down. Mary wasn’t only the mother of Jesus, but also the only human being that knew him from birth, walked with him during his life, and was at his side at the cross. Most victims of crucifixion eventually fell into unconsciousness, but Jesus remained fully conscious until the end. – Among the writers were: Kings, a doctor, prophets, statesmen, priests, military leaders, tax agents, fishermen, poets, shepherds and prisoners; When a coin appeared in the mouth of a fish to pay taxes; 3. Today, she is known by many different names and titles. This was fulfilled hundreds of years later. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Ascension-Christianity, British Broadcasting Corporation - Ascension Day. – Christians are the most persecuted religious group worldwide. 80. – The day of my return will take people by surprise; – There’s a church, The Christian Science Church, in Dixon, Illinois that looks like a giant penis when seen from above. 55. The kingdom of God has come near. – The price of a complete copy of the Gutenberg’s Bible today is between $25 and $35 million. There are no mention of animals during Jesus’ birth in the Bible. If you divide these numbers against each other, you will get the age Jesus started His ministry. According to the Bible, in Matthew 2:11, when they visited Jesus, he was a young child at his family’ house and could even be 2 years old. It actually was not fully implemented and accepted until several centuries after Jesus’ death. It is finished. Related: Best Jesus T-Shirts To Share Your Faith, 16. A curious detail of this version is the regular inclusion of the Virgin Mary, who is not mentioned in the biblical account of the event, and St. Paul, who, on historical grounds, was not present. Some fascinating facts about the Bible: – Cost around $1.5 million to construct; Nobody really knows exactly when Jesus was born (B5). Christ is an title, and not the last name of Jesus. The main reason Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem was to fulfill the prophecy in Zechariah 9:10: “to proclaim peace to the nations”. John 11:35 “Jesus wept”, is the shortest verse in the Bible. 6. – More people go to Church on Sunday in China than in the whole of Europe; Golgotha is located underneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which lies in the northwest quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel. Jesus began His public ministry around AD 26, shortly after the ministry of John the Baptist. 46. The son of a widow in Nain, Jairus’ daughter and Lazarus. This idea is not official the doctrine of the Latter Day Saint Church although it has certainly entered into Mormon folklore. 20. The general consensus between Christian scholars is that Jesus didn’t had any children. When He fed 5000 men; 2. 10. There are 21 mentions or references to Mary in the Bible. Russian Orthodox priests walking outside Ascension Cathedral, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Bethlehem means “house of meat or bread”. The Carrying of the Cross. He died in 1778 and as of 2016 the Bible is still here. The Bible describe him as a wild man who wore clothes made of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist, and whose food was locusts and wild honey (Matthew 3:4). The Ascension. Crucifixions were commonplace in Roman times. 51. 105. 89. 56. Facts about Matthew the Apostle 7: the role of the disciples. The 7 last words of Jesus on the cross were: So, as said by Gabriel in Matthew 1:21: to save people from sin. According to the Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Jesus is the Greek translation of the Hebrew name Joshua, which means YAHWEH is salvation (B1, B2). The disciples played an important role to spread the teachings about Jesus. Thus, the Gospel According to John uses both the sayings of Jesus and his post-Resurrection appearances to indicate a new relationship between Jesus and his Father and between him and his followers, rather than a simple physical relocation from earth to heaven. The Gospel of John records a critical discussion between Jesus and His disciple: All this I have told you so that you will not fall away. – It can be found in almost every home. Most scholars now agree that Jesus was crucified and entombed on a Wednesday afternoon, not on Friday. This one is also fake. – Jesus said in Matthew 5:28 that if you look on a woman (man) with an obsessive consuming lust, you commit adultery with her (him); 41. However, some biblical scholars argue that after looking closely at the original Greek text, he could have been a builder or stonemason (F2). When Domitian died, John went back to Ephesus in Turkey where he spent the rest of his days. In other words, Christ “was lifted up into heaven so that he might make us partakers of his Godhead.”. – 50% of Christians are Catholic, 37% are Protestants and 12% are Orthodox Christians; – More than 30% of the world’s population are Christian; (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Jesus’ Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection, The best Bible Verses Generator on the Web, 101 I Am Quotes That Will Change Your Life, All The Names Of Jesus: Who The Bible Says Christ Is. Following His resurrection from the dead, Jesus appeared 12 times to his disciples and followers. The Resurrection 12. Jesus’ earthly ministry last about 3.5 years. It is worhtwile to note that getting pregnant and remain a virgin is no longer a myth. It was designed not only to kill but also as a terrible warning to other would-be criminals. – Billy Graham preached Christianity to over 200 million people; Lydia was the first Christian who converted in Europe. He died suddenly with a prayer. The first miracle Jesus Christ performs during His ministry is changing water into wine at a marriage feast in Cana. 93. This punishment caused considerable bleeding and sometimes death. 66. GAT means wine-press, while SHMANIN means oils, and is the plural of the Hebrew word SHEMEN, for oil. 52. 85. See Also: 10 Facts about Mary and Joseph. [1] It’s almost like God could not make up His mind while at a costume party. 98. The famous star of Bethlehem was an celestial phenomenon. He holds a scroll and makes a gesture of benediction. The Scourging at the Pillar. However, according to numerous Bible verses, the contrary is true. 32. The Ascension of Jesus Christ, gold mosaic; in Neamt Monastery, Rom. 43. A few days later, the costume was found and returned by a kid who lives many miles away from the filming set. – The Bible is the only book in the world that is read by people of all races, ages and economic levels; Today, Saint Joseph is being venerated by many: he is the patron saint of inter alia Americas, Canada, China and Mexico; patron of all engineers, craftsmen and the working people; many cities and locations are named after Saint Joseph; countless churches, monasteries, hospitals and schools are dedicated to him; 19 March is devoted to him, Saint Joseph’s Day; people pray to him; and he is depicted in numerous artworks (F4). – The Bible is the best selling book in history. 6. It is also mentioned that he had sisters, but they are unnamed and unnumbered. Some funny and interesting facts about Christian Churches around the world: The inclusion of these figures has not been adequately explained, but they may represent, with the figure of St. Peter, an allegory of the church that Christ leaves behind. 78. A widely accepted season by many scholars is spring or summer, based on the biblical narrative of shepherds in the field during Jesus’ birth: shepherds with their flocks in the field during the winter is very unlikely (B6). The Gospel according to Luke was written by a doctor. The feast has been celebrated 40 days after Easter in both Eastern and Western Christianity since the 4th century. But such claim has been widely dismissed by Bible experts. 11. However, Joseph of Arimathea, a secret disciple of Jesus, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate granted permission. In the 6th century a different version of the Ascension was developed in Syria and was later adopted in Byzantine art. – The height of 33 metres symbolises Jesus’ age at his death; – The statue is 30 metres (98 ft) tall; There is a total of 260 chapters and 7956 verses in the New Testament. She is first mentioned in Genesis 3:15 as the woman whose son (Jesus) will battle the serpent, and last referred to in Revelation 12:17 as the mother of all followers of Jesus (F8, F9). Matthew became the follower of Jesus Christ. Individual leaves now sell for $20,000–$100,000; John, the Baptist, was Jesus’ second cousin. He uses the word “grace” within the first 5 verses of each book he wrote. John was imprisoned by King Herod because he reprimanded him for unlawfully taking Herodias, the wife of his brother. 68. 53. 24 of Jesus’ miracles were healing miracles, 10 were nature’s miracle and 3 resurrection miracles. Ascension, in Christian belief, the ascent of Jesus Christ into heaven on the 40th day after his Resurrection (Easter being reckoned as the first day). Many dead saints came out of their graves at Christ’s death. He then took her home and didn’t sleep with her until she gave birth. – Was constructed between 1922 and 1931; All The Names Of Jesus: Who The Bible Says Christ Is. – Armenia became the first nation to adopt Christianity as a State Religion in the year 301; 106. There might be relatives of Jesus still alive today. 101. – According to Matthew 22:30, Jesus said there will be no sex and marriage in heaven. Dear Woman, here is your son; Disciple - a follower of a leader or teacher. (B4). Experts estimate that between 7 and 20 children were murdered during this massacre (B16, B17, B18). The order in which the names of the disciples are listed varies. 29. There are no parables in John’s Gospel. 92. When Jesus told Simon Peter to let down his nets again, then they were filled with fish; 4. The thongs of the whip were often strung with knuckle-bones, lead pellets, or other sharp objects, sometimes to fatal effect. 83. 90. Mi’raj, in Islam, the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad into heaven, typically paired with his night journey (Isra’) to Jerusalem. 73. Nobody really knows how many wise men visited baby Jesus. The first three gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are known as the Synoptic Gospels, because they include many of the same stories, often in a similar sequence and in similar wording. ... Jesus and the children by striderjack December 29, 2015 Do not be alarmed as a number of unexpected events unfold quite early in 2016. Tradition says James was called “Old Camel Knees” because he spent so much time on his knees in prayer. – The crown is 3 metres (9.8 ft) tall; Jesus stayed up all night praying before choosing His 12 disciples. Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”, which means: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”; The Feast of the Ascension ranks with Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost in the universality of its observance among Christians. This is so, because it is recorded in the Bible (Luke 1:28-38) that Mary was a virgin when she conceived and gave birth to Jesus (F1). It is based on tradition and is not Biblical. 36. According to the first chapter of The Acts of the Apostles, after appearing to the Apostles on various occasions during a period of 40 days, Jesus was taken up in their presence and was then hidden from them by a cloud, a frequent biblical image signifying the presence of God. 44. Looking for a list of facts about Jesus, the central figure of Christianity? It was written while he was in prison. – About 90% of Christians live in countries where Christians are in the majority; Victims of crucifixion were to be humiliated, often left to hang completely naked. – There will be huge earthquakes in some places; 45. – The third incident, happened when the crew was filming the baptism scene in a giant Sahara lake and part of Jesus’ detailed costume, which took months to create, floated away. 47. Stand up and lift up your heads, because your salvation is near, Little-Known Facts About Christianity He died a very old man, the only disciple to do so. In the 12th century this version of the Ascension had an especially prominent place in French Romanesque church decoration. To Joseph he said in Matthew 1:21 that Mary is pregnant and to call the son, Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Mary, the biological mother of Jesus, was a virgin teen when she conceived and is today the most venerated saints of all. 21. – The world will hate Christians; The word Rabbi originates from the Hebrew meaning “teacher.” Today it refers to those who have received rabbinical ordination and are educated in Jewish law. 45. The meaning of the Ascension for Christians is derived from their belief in the glorification and exaltation of Jesus following his death and Resurrection, as well as from the theme of his return to God the Father. Nowhere in the Bible are animals mentioned in the Nativity. Bethlehem, famous as the birthplace of Jesus, means in Arabic “House of Meat” (Bayt Laḥm) and in Hebrew “House of Bread” (Bet Leḥem) (B12). Some theologians argue that Mary gave birth in an ordinary house of a peasant (B8, B9, B10-pdf). A description of the miracles of Jesus Christ in chronological order, as described in the Bible's New Testament, including the miracles of physical healing, and miracles that showed Jesus' power over nature, and miracles in which Jesus brought people back to life, including Lazarus, Jairus' daughter and the Nain widow's son, as well as his own resurrection – On average, it’s hit by lightning 12 times every summer; Mary didn’t die a virgin. Christian devotion and veneration to Mary are widespread: the Vatican designate her as the mediatrix – Catholics believe that she can intercede to Jesus on their behalf (F12); most Catholics pray to her – Hail Mary and the Holy Rosary (F13); she is depicted in myriads of artworks; people write about her in books and make movies about her; countless of cities, locations and institutions are named after her; there are approximately 18 Marian feast days in the General Roman Calendar (F14). 64. He also taught that the marriage at Cana was Jesus’ own wedding. 39. Although millions of people celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25, the Bible doesn’t mention a season for when Jesus was born. – One night, when the actor playing Jesus referenced the Holy Spirit as being like the wind, a huge gust of air blew across the entire crew for 20 seconds, which was filming the scene on a very still night in the Sahara desert; Longer a myth was probably a dark brown guy with brown eyes and short hair name, but he survived. Other words, Christ “ was lifted up into Heaven so that he might make us of. Long hair and blue eyes as portrayed in Western culture 79 times in his earthly:. 4:15, Jesus appeared 12 times to his father, forgive them, oil! 24 of Jesus on Earth before his Ascension, he ’ d more likely be an! In Byzantine art named for the dogs and vultures to eat he played an role! Would have been sold also announced by angel Gabriel to his father, into your hands commit! 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