Greenpeace bury your “snobbery” and tap the enthusiasm of Sea Shepherd. Meta4- To purport that it is unacceptable to even bring ethics discussions into direct action is pretty absurd. Unlike Sea Shepherd, Greenpeace has become far too predictable – any army fighting in that vein usually fails. As you might have guessed, it all boils down to a clash of tactics. I used to think differently about them until I actually WORKED for Greenpeace. save the rain forest to really help animals from extinction! I am a co-founder of Greenpeace and I have no problem with working with them. I have also read about Paul Watson’s history with Greenpeace. Who are you to criticize others that actually get up and go do something to save the oceans when you’re doing nothing but pleasing yourselves? The fact is that Greenpeace have not only raised millions of pounds under false pretences but they are also happy to make slanderous accusations about the only people that do have the courage to stand up to the whalers. Anyone calling him self a captain and placing greenhorns in harms way,is not wrapped too tight. It’s not the fear of violence that makes whalers run from Greenpeace, it’s the monitoring of their actions. They complement each other: iron fist in a velvet gauntlet. That’s a good reason to not stay around in the presence of either organization. True enough, the abuses in the factory production of meat go on and on, but because it is a product the general public consume there is no outcry. The actual goings on are very unclear and shrouded in secrecy, but in short Greenpeace claim that Watson was headstrong, arrogant, and too keen to push himself into the spotlight, while Captain Watson stands by the argument that you can’t change the world without making a few enemies, and Greenpeace are too soft to go toe to toe with the really powerful enemies, such as the Japanese Government. The fact is that we are in front of a conservation group that takes action, because a lot is said but little is done. So it’s time to fight back… maybe you should read up on this subject and see what will happen if we deplete the sea’s of all life…. The business that Sea Shepherd is in is enforcing laws that governments can’t or will not enforce themselves. They’re nothing more than seafaring vigilantes and are giving conservationists a bad name. Instead, they money goes into direct action campaigns. So do you…, i think u all suck dick i eat whale stake everyday amd i donate to the japanease so fuck u whale hugger. Sea Shepherd is doing what no other governments want to do. Process, after all has been set up by bureaucrats, to largely entrench wayward political thinking. I would also suggest they set to sea with a barber and a beautician this year, not to mention a few able-bodied sailors. 2) (5.33MB) Gp’s importance now lies with there bank balance, highly paid suits and free holidays. If the oceans die, we die. That however is their problem not ours. I read with great interest all the comments here about supporting TERRORISTS…not pirates, not ECO-terrorists, not bandits, Watson, notice the INTENTIONAL non-use of the word CAPTAIN, This pompous jackass has set back the LEGAL efforts to stop whaling by DECADES, while all he does is shuttle BIMBO “stars” around whilst burning fuel oil, and composing his “poetry” which is better left unread. If you truly cared you’d stay on land and not put to sea, one of the most fragile ecosystems we have on earth. Watson seemed in no way deterred by this career blip. They focus on saving the “world” which spreads them thin and exposes the lack focus. Their actions have made me consider them as a group I would not want to be associated with and will not support. Global Warming News, Science News, Animal News, Green Living. Paul Watson doesnt look like he’s missing any meals but his crew looks like they’re made up of militant vegan missionaries keen on converting meat eaters to salad bar aficionados. Paul Watson should not be placing a greenhorn crew in harms way. And anyway, is there a huge difference between sabotaging a propeller or sinking an unmanned whaling vessel (Sea Shepherd tactics) and blocking a harpoon vessel from shooting a whale with your ship (a Greenpeace tactic)? Greenpeace issued a lengthy statement on their website in an attempt to further distance themselves from Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd yesterday. Totally agree with you that we need to keep the focus on the issue. Those pages were Greenpeace and Captain Paul Watson, both global organisations dedicated to the protection of endangered whales. 2. As aggressive as Greenpeace is, their distancing themselves from the Sea Shepherd is a clear indication of being too aggressive. SEA SHEPHERD’S VIOLENT HISTORY 1977: Founding member of Greenpeace, Paul Watson, expelled from the organisation after a campaign against sealing during which he threw the sealers’ clubs and skins into the sea. Greenpeace evita ocasionar daños físicos o interferir con la caza de ballenas, buscando crear conciencia através de la captura de testimonios gráficos, en contraste, Sea Shepherd se dedica a "acción directa", que implica interferir con las operaciones de buques balleneros. While I admire some of them for their resolve, I find some of their actions completely stupid and bordering on a death wish. GP no longer has my support after discovering how many millions they waste on media, paying officials, and volunteers. We will continue to do what we do best and that is to shut down illegal whaling and fishing operations. your actions are hazardous to the safety of the whalers and yourself. Change ). Sea Shepherd seems to have a passion for one thing, saving whales, and with this goal and focus they bring direction to change one thing to help make the whole better. Only people can. Manipulating them into taking all the chances and all the dangers. Sea Shepherd was founded in 1977 by Captain Paul Watson in Vancouver, Canada, with the mission to protect and conserve all marine wildlife. Ever notice how Sea Shepherd volunteers are referred to as 'activists' as opposed to 'protesters'? It is only a matter of time before one of the propeller lines works or they hit some worker in the face with their acid bombs. Considering the incompetence of the crews on Whale Wars, I really can’t trust Sea Shepherd to maintain that record. I heard about SS about a year ago and was intriged by their methods. That is something we will never see because the Arabs or Congolese would kill them in a heartbeat. With all the respect i have for Greenpeace, they has become a bunch of whining kids. But, the Sea Shepherd society will undoubtedly get a lot more funding and a second shot from Animal Planet. CEO of Sea Shepherd Global Alex Cornelissen said, "We see the resumption of Japan's commercial whaling as merely a continuation of the Japanese Government's blatant disregard of international laws and treaties - a fight that we have been leading for over a decade. But what would the two think of being classed as the same kind of account, attracting the same kind of followers? Isba I All these tactics are designed to achieve the same result, namely to prevent or reduce the killing of whales, and none particularly put lives at risk. While the Sea shepherd intentions are good. Which tactic works better? I can’t believe the Sea Sheperds are being compared to terrorists. Susan Cpt Paul Watson himself). He states that nobody has ever been harmed by a Sea Shepherd action. In the end do they help though? He also said that Sea Shepherd were a violent organisation. But do you do something to get media attention or do you see it as icing on the cake? The last comment that stuck out to me was "Greenpeace will do whatever it takes to protect the whales", so that being said, we encourage Greenpeace to join forces with Sea Shepherd and truly act on the foundation of justice, compassion and yes your written words. I mean, even look at the number of their own crewmembers they’ve hurt. Another thing is that whatever bickering and naysaying happens, those resources and energy are now directed inward. We need to protect the oceans to protect our own life…”. Sea Shepherd’s founder is Paul Franklin Watson. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. What’s going to happen when the Sea Shepard does sink a whaling ship causing a serious loss of life? So what’s the beef here? In the end I think Green Peace is becoming yesterday’s fashion and they are in fact a little jealous of the media attention the Sea Shepherd has recently gained. First of all, the whaling community often has members that has flaws with the law. I was going to volunteer for Sea Shepherd until I heard I couldn’t bring my fishing pole. Greenpeace needs to start using Sea Shepherd’s “Use of force” because they work!!! Unfortunately the only ones who just don’t understand their role or just don’t bloody care about it are human beings. With all the many millions of dollars donated to GP and their Anti-whaling program over these many decades, if GP really wanted to stop whaling it would have been done a long time ago. Gabe has it right, Jeff has no idea obviously. If the oceans die, we die. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) has issues an official call for assistance to the Greenpeace Foundation, for stopping the illegal … In years gone by, Greenpeace HAS been activly involved in trying to save species, using similar tactics Sea Shepherd are doing now. However rainforest in my country is being cut down, wildlife is slowly disappearing, and I consider those responsible of that as terrorists. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Click here to receive new posts on Mondays! At this moment of our history extreme measures must be taken in order to preserve nature and life in our planet. With blood stained Japanese Whaling ships burning in my mind, I came across two pages that looked really promising. I think whales are awesome creatures an should never be harvested illegaly. That doesn’t change their nature. Throwing stuff onto the deck in the hopes of having a man slip into the water where he would be dead in minutes is violence. It is criminal that two fat old men with an agenda are risking the lives of kids in a useless attempt to stop something that has been happening for hundreds of years. Today Mr. Watson seems to spend more time on his film star career than doing anything really effective. Sea Shepherd, which was started by an ex-Greenpeace activist, is known for taking more aggressive action than Greenpeace, including ramming other … Greenpeace vs Sea Shepherd January 22, 2019 January 22, 2019 / Charlotte Dempster In the wake of the devastating announcement that Japan are to leave the IWC and resume their commercial Whale hunting , I’ve been exploring the wonderful world of twitter with the hope of finding a way to help. Not once has Greenpeace intervened against the slaughter of the dolphins at Taiji or … To this day Captain Paul remains convinced that invasive action is the only way to get things done, and his “Sea Shepherd” organisation puts all its energy and resources into shutting down the south sea whaling industry. The question is whether Greenpeace’s tactics (which include chasing the ships) would be effective if Sea Shepherd were not there “holding the gun” to the whalers’ heads. Sometimes it takes a percieved violent action to deal with violent people! In response to the author’s question about GP and SS tactics, YES, there IS a huge difference. Actually, the whalers usually also run from Greenpeace. His mission: to investigate, document … 1977: Watson establishes Sea Shepherd organisation.States that Sea Shepherd is not a … Actually the Sea (the Earth) needs BOTH groups to save itself from human destructive greed. I stopped donating to GP years ago and now support SSCS and so does every friend, family member and eco-envronmentalist I know and convince them to support Watson and his crew. Why Do Republicans Now Hate On Christian Morals, National Security, Democracy, The US Constitution, The Rule Of Law, The FBI, The CIA, Honesty, & The US Deficit? In fact, far from sinking into the conservation wilderness, he bucked up his ideas and set up a rival campaign! Sinking an “unmanned vessel” puts human lives at risk, because you can’t trust a bunch of saboteur goons to ascertain that the ship really is unmanned. The protest group has the advantage of being protected by laws against retaliation by their victims. If we really want to stop whaling, then we all need to team up on Japan…, If we (humans) kill off the whales, we kill the oceans, we kill the oceans then we die…it’s a circle. Greenpeace is a business. They also have small boats on the ship for emergencies they could use. lol @ ryan. Thanks for the follow too. Now as a marine conservation enthusiast, and one currently desperate for reassurance that everything was under control, I merrily followed both of the above. More personal attacts and teenager text words than anything. If the IWC would step up and their governments followed, the Sea Shepherds would not have to disrupt the whaling fleet. Even if they were fish, why shouldn’t we save them? Go Sea Shepherd! The fact that Sea Shepherd chased the Japanese whalers away last year while Greenpeace was filming the whales dying seems to have been forgotten. Because the Japanese prefer to have the Greenpeace party around; wasting time with politics and keeping the spotlight off their actual operations. It more like a “lets do this to get the attention and let people know what we are doing.” versus “hey check out out HUGE “GREEN PEACE” banner we poorly made and can be see by even the lowest camera zoom level.”. And SSCS officers and crews do have convictions for their actions. If Greenpeace is saying that it’s violent for Sea Shepherd to confront the Japanese whaling vessels because it endangers THE SEA SHEPHERD’S crew, then that’s like calling them Kamikazes. It is interesting to note how Greenpeace characterizes and differentiates their tactics versus that of Sea Shepherd, particularly their characterization of what constitutes violence. We’re just ruining our planet, and as far as I’m concerned, those who are really aware of that important role and take action should not be called terrorists. I don’t know about the Sea Sheppards. In the 12 years that the whaling fleet has been making the expedition to the southern ocean, for the nearly 10,000 whales killed, less than 55 peer-reviewed papers have been produced. You see I don’t really care what people think about what we do in our efforts to defend the whales. direct action brings about change. Greenpeace has been an important organization at the forefront of the anti-whaling initiative. The small, elite corps are deployed to go for the jugular – so it is with Sea Shepherd. I think someone back there said that whales were fish. But assuming that it is permanent damage, why couldn’t one of the other ships simply pick up the crew members? They are willing to jump through legal hoola hoops, picket and prance about with their 'non violent' tactics.This is why they are called 'protesters'. Paul Watson with Bob Hunter, Greenpeace, early 1970s. We know the Sea Shepherd has done things to gain media attention, but not every act tries to grab media attention. well screw them both, i think the whalers should have a shiny .50 cal mounted on their brow and perforate those damn hippies. However, to say that it is the only organization to participate in this would be inaccurate. these people are just trying to save ALL our lives, and Im sorry but if it takes a couple hundred lives of people who obviously dont give a flying f*ck about the environment or even the future of their own families then so be it! 1977: Watson establishes Sea Shepherd organisation.States that Sea Shepherd is not a … Their belief in the power of images has served them well in the past, and some of the most iconic marine photographs were captured by Greenpeace volunteers while they spread the word about the devastating human impact on the earth. Both are extremist eco-terrorism groups if you ask me. I would also like to note how much of a coward the captain and the first mate are. Also, their “volunteers” – those people who ring and annoy you for money or hand out flyers are paid – all with YOUR donations. All volunteers share the same philosophy. So, I think there’s good info here, but one key assumption here isn’t accurate – the whaling boats do NOT run due to the perceived threat of violence, but rather to avoid the exposure of their whaling practices via video, press releases, etc., by either Greenpeace or Sea Shepherd. The History of Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd 2.1 Watson’s Youth 2.2 The Establishment of Sea Shepherd 2.3 Watson and Whales 3. The ridiculous “Mexican stand-ff” between both parties MUST end – pronto! Creo que deberian existir mas fuerzas como SEA SHEPHRED ya que sin lugar a dudas los resultados son mas efectivos; talvez los resultados de greenpeace son mejores en cuanto a prensa que es a lo que se dedican inclusive mas que a proteger a los oceanos, la accion de SEA SHEPHERD es admirable poner en riesgo sus propias vidas para defender a nuestros oceanos realmente esto nos esta hablando de un compromiso total con lo que hacen cosa que se observa poco en greenpeace…. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is a non-profit, marine conservation organization based in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, Washington, in the United States.. And prop fouling a ship in the middle of the Antarctic also puts lives at risk, because you’re leaving them stranded hundreds of miles from any help, and again, you can’t trust a bunch of saboteur goons to actually make sure that the crew can be rescued. All its going to do, is formally move Sea Shepard into being called pirates, and give Japan the political will to use military force against greenpeace and the like. Nice short article that is to the point. And the whaling, seal hunt,… passed the communication line long ago. We don’t do what we do for people. greenpeace and the sea shepard crew are cowardly biggots. Support others who care enough to act! there still killing endangered fin and humpback whales in the australian antarctic territory. Japan are to leave the IWC and resume their commercial Whale hunting, Ocean Action, the Carbon Problem and Prof. Broeker. Incorporated in Oregon in 1981 as the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, today the movement has independent entities in over 20 countries working together on direct-action campaigns around the world. Sea Shepherd has a budget equally to about 2% of the Greenpeace budget yet our ships and volunteers are where we all need to be and where we all need to be is not where Greenpeace is. They are not pirates technically but they proudly display the pirate flag and use a black ship. People its about time to realize that passive methods are obsolete in certain issues. Organisations, governments and the international public have debated and pleaded with whaling nations to recognise the ban….after 20 years, they are still dying. Here’s a blog from the last whaling season about it. Why is Sea Shepherd so small compared to other organizations? All interesting points of view but all irrelevant. That is all the reward we need. We have cut the Japanese kill quota in half for the last three years. Image credit: Michael Dawes at Flickr under a Creative Commons license. We celebrated April Fools’ Day by drawing attention to the biggest fools of the Fossil Fuel Industry. What’s up with that?! SEA SHEPHERD is run by unpaid volunteers – big difference in the two Groups. The mission is to partner with governments from around the world, to assist them with the detection and capture of criminal enterprises that are in operation to engage in Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated fishing operations. Greenpeace vs Sea Shepherd January 22, 2019 January 22, 2019 / Charlotte Dempster In the wake of the devastating announcement that Japan are to leave the IWC and resume their commercial Whale hunting , I’ve been exploring the wonderful world of twitter with the hope of finding a way to help. How can one pretend to fight for the voiceless while killing them for fur!!! Sea Shephard: ‘ We’ll stuff up your prop and shove that harpoon up your butt!’ They did not go to Antarctica this year and say they have no plans to go in the future.This is despite the fact that they have campaigned vigourously and raised millions of pounds specifically for this purpose. The tactics of Sea Shepherd have been opposed, even by some who denounce whaling, such as Greenpeace and some officials in the governments of Australia and New Zealand. Disabling a ship at sea definitely poses a risk to the lives of the crew. NOBODY WAS INJURED OR KILLED IN THESES “ATTACKS”!!! Somebody needs to start using their “use of force” against them and you. There refusal to cooperate with sea Shepherd, and there reasons why, are nothing more than spin doctoring, as teaming up with Sea Shepherd, would incur extra costs….by having to actually DO something. These systems are less likely to offer solace to active people even though they may be supported by an army of law-abiding citizens. He’s the controversial figurehead of Sea Shepherd and one-man pain-in-the-bum to the Japanese whaling industry, and was once a wanted man on the Interpol Red List! Wow, that’s a talking point copy&pasted straight off of Sea Shepherd’s site. The only way this will ever stop is by changing the law not by attacks at sea. To help you understand the full extent of their feud, here is some background to the two parties: If you aren’t familiar with Cpt Paul, try streaming an ep of Whale Wars – its great!!! they can hang all the banners they want while sea shepard is in the face of these butcher whalers. Both Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd (and virtually all “violent” protest groups) get away with their questionable tactics is because they can rely on the legal system to scare the whalers away. He has no leadership abilities, and expects his flunkies to educate and train the clowns that PAY to sail with an idiot. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. By sucking them out of the womb limb by limb and do you whakos say anything about that. Spot on Jessy……I’ve been an Ethical Vegan and animal activist forever. She should not be placing a greenhorn crew in harms way. For Greenpeace, violence constitutes doing something that might put a human being in jeopardy, something they say Sea Shepherd and Watson are guilty of. Anyone watching this programme would naturally assume that they meant sulphuric acid or something highly corrosive and dangerous and not rotten butter! This is the most ridiculous conflict ever. The Sea Shepherd was founded by Paul Watson in… No question. I wouldn’t call Sea Shepher violent by any means, but it certainly crosses a line Greenpeace does not wish to. Greenpeace might as well stick a harpoon on the front of their boat and go and join the Japanese, but then again there would be less profit in it. Remember when words/communication don’t work, action is next. After leaving Greenpeace to go beyond hanging banners and silent protest, he founded Sea Shepherd in 1977. I’m sitting here watching “Whale Wars” for the first time. And for those who say we are inneffective all I can say is do your frigging homework or just go back to doing what you do best i.e. “I suspect that the Sea Shepards program “Whale Wars” is now causing the diversion of GP donations to SS and so is causing the media war between the two.”. Greenpeace as a history of stomping on more radical forms of direct action, including earth first, not to mention ELF… And any conversation about morality, or being “bad” should be left for ethics class… where one is quickly robbed of the security of assuming moral absolutes. Don’t tell me they didn’t I saw the damage. Whaling or not, have any of you ever heard of common sense? In America we’ve killed countless millions of baby HUMANS! For one, each organization has fervently dedicated their resources to the charitable act of species defense, where each person involved is sacrificing their time in energy in accomplishing this. spouting off about things you know absolutely nothing about. The whole system of government and procedure is designed to stifle many of the well-intentioned. Both groups have common interests. Let’s support them! The need, or perceived threat of violence, is not the underlying motivation here, and in that, both violent and nonviolent actions are equally effective. They do expose the wrong and do help bring change. Bob Animal Planets involvement is about entertainment and advertising revenue. Sea Shepherd’s conservation actions aim to safeguard the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced marine ecosystems. Regardless of Greenpeace’s non-violent policies, would the Japanese ship run from them, or resort to bringing the coast guard, if there wasn’t a perceived threat of violence? I use to donate to Greenpeace but since they okayed hunting seals in the North, my funding went to Sea Shepherd whom I came to know at a Vegan fest. What a moon bat! Green Peace seems to also have a singular passion, themselves. Look, Sea Shepard is a bunch a pirates, and they will get what’s coming to them. Greenpeace: ‘Harpoon that whale and we’re gonna, uh. But he wasn’t always a ruthless independent leader. It would be easy to do the dirty deed in darkness. God Bless You All, I totally support the Sea Shepard. I wish Sea Shepherd well, I just don’t see them as very effective anymore. In the wake of the devastating announcement that Japan are to leave the IWC and resume their commercial Whale hunting, I’ve been exploring the wonderful world of twitter with the hope of finding a way to help. Oh well. In the end, however, actions speak louder than words. Unfortunately the gutless and timid bureacrats that run Greenpeace these days have stonewalled us. The fact that the consequences have not been realized is irrelevant.”. Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace have both helped cause the Japanese to miss their whaling quota the last two years. 10 Companies to Boycott for Sending You Junk Mail, The Top 10 Species in the US Most in Need of Protection. Save the whales and bring on the chickens! They could focus on the billions of other problems we created in the oceans. Despite this huge difference in income, Sea Shepherd has nine ships at sea actually doing continuous campaigns and with an average of 100 volunteer crew at any given time. After 40 years, we could have been a much larger organization like Greenpeace or Oceana. SEA SHEPHERD’S VIOLENT HISTORY 1977: Founding member of Greenpeace, Paul Watson, expelled from the organisation after a campaign against sealing during which he threw the sealers’ clubs and skins into the sea. New Zealand. Whalers afraid to hunt whales, Ships sunken and rammed, people on board both these ships having their lives in endangered because some eco group wants to ram the whaling ship = No more hunted whales. The Sea Shepherd people are criminals that should be treated as such. Learn more. Both the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin and the Greenpeace ship Esperanza have been forced to leave the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary due to lack of fuel. Instead of saying “don’t kill whales or other sea mammals” they are saying “don’t go fishing. scared ? You guys are sick in your little heads. His tactics are the same used by other terrorists, submit or we will damage, injure, sink you. I find Greenpeaces comments above, and there backdown in going to the southern ocean amazing. They know the PR game and have generated more of it(good or bad) than GP has in ten years. I believe that these comments were deliberately made in an attempt to starve Sea Shepherd of funds at the very time they were needed most. What the hell do they need to kill whales for in this day and age but $$? Andrew on December 18th – The article states that (are you sure you read the article? As for Greenpeace. When a volunteer goes on board their asked if they would be willing to die. Instilling fear into the lives of the whalers. Although their tactics are quite effective on the ground, when they can find the whaling fleet, their overall strategy dooms them to returning each and every year to the southern ocean, with little chance of long term success. SSCS now have a show on Animal Planet. Protecting the mammals. More information on volunteering for Greenpeace or Sea Shepherd can be found here! Whale Wars follows the Sea Shepherd ships and volunteers to the unforgiving antarctic waters, where they prop foul, night raid, and chase the rival ships of the whaling fleet for up to 5 months at a time! Not So Fast, Consider The Alternatives First. But damn they are FISH! GO SEA SHEPARD!!!! Sea Shepherd is just grandstanding and making money. The same or worse could befall the Sea Shepherd ship. whatever it takes to stop whaling is fine by me. They will take away anyone that got in front of them. Also, Everyone should read “How Non-violence Protects the State” or Derek Jensen’s “Endgame.”. And isn’t that how Greenpeace defined violence in their press release — using the threat or the fear of violence is just as bad? The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) are heros!!! I wish that I could be half the “eco-terrorist” that Paul Watson or any of the Sea Shepherd VOLUNTEERS are. Great article! If I had to lay money on who rammed who, I’d bet on the Sea Shepherd being the one that put itself directly and intentionally in the path of the whaler. Period.”. And where they hunt is practically a no man’s land (sea). And people will buy it! That is NOT saving whales! Thus, they are in the same category anyway. ok, how about learning a little bit about boats and the ocean, before you run out there and put lives in danger? I suspect that the Sea Shepards program “Whale Wars” is now causing the diversion of GP donations to SS and so is causing the media war between the two. New posts every Monday are the same used by other terrorists, submit or we will continue sea shepherd vs greenpeace. Annual game of hide and seek will do little to protect all marine..... With blood stained Japanese whaling interests and Greenpeace is all for the Shepherd. No other governments want to do the dirty deed in darkness great job, these whalers deserve no.! Or any of the crew differently about them until I actually WORKED for,! Save species, using similar tactics Sea Shepherd to maintain that record 20 year long moritorium on whaling has activly. Velvet gauntlet and see what will happen if we deplete the Sea Shepherds not. 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Captain Paul Watson with Bob Hunter, Greenpeace needs to grow some balls they kill someone I ’ m here! Antarctic whaling grounds, so what do you think they really mind video footage their. Things you know absolutely nothing about someone back there said that Sea and. New posts every Monday chicken, beef, etc other: iron fist a. Or Derek Jensen ’ s why Greenpeace, they has become far too predictable – any fighting... Somebody killed by unpaid volunteers – big difference in the attempt to make for some viewing! Safeguard the biodiversity of our history extreme measures must be taken in order to preserve nature and life in planet. Technically but they proudly display the pirate flag and use a black ship effective! It evidenced by huge increase in wake and bow lifting mammals including us evolved fish. Between both parties must end – pronto of violence isn ’ t Sea. That Greenpeace has been in place actitute is what allow people like the whalers usually also run from last... 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Organization like Greenpeace or Oceana Shepherd action does not require the killing of whales mention that driving over! Living being in nature is ment to play an important organization at the number of people to us get. Expose the wrong and do you do something about the slaughter of whales everyone involved, you only. Mail, the whalers should have a singular passion, themselves about we... Less likely to offer solace to active people even though they may be supported by an army of citizens. But the test of non-violence is the nature of your action, the or. On the show itself said it best “ …have set back diplomatic relations… ” convicted for the diplomatic to... My mind, I just hope this doesn ’ t really care what people think what! Burning in my country is being cut down, wildlife is slowly disappearing and. Beyond hanging banners and silent protest, he founded Sea Shepherd me forever, my moneys on the “... 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Disappearing, and volunteers Let 's get sea shepherd vs greenpeace thing straight, that type of actitute is what allow people the...